Returns & Refunds

Our love it or your money back policy, valid for 14 days after deliver, and which includes opened packages and used merchandise applies to phone skins only. We are perfectionists too, but please note it’s got be within reason.

All requests for returns and refunds, for whatever reason, must be made via our RRF (Returns Request Form) available via our  write to us  feature. Returns will not be accepted without this form.

Opened packages for Laptops and Tablets skins do not qualify for returns or refunds.

The customer will be liable for return shipping which must be via a signed for service. Products returned not using this service will not qualify for a refund.

Our price guarantee does not apply to Laptops and Tablets skins.

Any qualifying refund will be less our cost of shipping cost, which will have been included in your purchase price.

An administration fee will be payable. We will advise you of the exact refund amount when your return is authorised. This term is not available to products bought from third parties.

Documented evidence with photographs will need to be provided with your reason for requesting a refund.

All refunds are made within seven days of receiving your return package via a signed for service.