Green Policy

It is the policy of MobSKINZ to aim to recycle and reuse:

  • 100% of incoming packaging, boxes, and envelopes                        
  • 50% of associated plastics and cartridges relating to our production processes.      
  • 100% of paper

We continually review our targets to see how close we are to achieving our recycling goals and how we can improve.

Eco-Friendly Printing

MobSKINZ has chosen to adopt environmentally friendly inks for our wide-format printers.

This is unlike other manufacturers who use aggressive solvent inks in their production. Solvent inks are harmful both to employees and the environment. As such, MobSKINZ does not approve of the use of these inks in commercial production.

Reducing energy use

We are almost entirely powered by Solar Energy. In addition, as an energy-conscious company, we aim to continually find ways to save and reduce energy. We always turn off lights, machines, and equipment when not in use.

Promoting the use of non-motorized transport

At MobSKINZ we encourage employees and colleagues to work from home where possible to reduce the environmental impact of commutes to work.

Office Supplies

Where possible, if office supplies are required, we attempt to meet the need another way. If that is not possible, we rent/share items before we purchase, and if there is any environmental impact from the products we intend to purchase we will consider alternative products. We then recycle and reuse whatever is possible.


As a company, we aim to involve staff in the implementation of these policies and always make our commitment to the environment clear which encourages greater commitment to the cause and greater efficiency.